The Gales of November Came Early

fall-fishingIt seemed appropriate, the day after the final World Series game I should go fishing on Kubswin Lake.  It’s not spelled the same as my beloved Chicago Cubs but it sounds good.  And a win or two a few weeks ago would’ve been nice.  Friend Gary Eckman and I made an early morning drive there down icy roads and through cowboys herding cattle in hopes for a few nice browns and brook trout.


Dede-BarbBest of all we met up with fishing friends, Dede and Barb.  The ladies haven’t been on the blog in years because I’ve been absent from Kubswin due to tons of fall travel the last few years.  Dede and Barb fish this lake more often than any other living sole so to fish with the gurus today was a treat.


Winston-rodsThe forecast was for “much warmer than yesterday” but what we forgot was how freaking cold it was yesterday.  The temperature improvement didn’t feel much better.  Toss in some whipping high-desert wind and it wasn’t too comfortable at all out there.  Though I was decked out in my Simms attire, I still felt it.


Photo by Dede & Barb

Luckily we prevailed despite the early arrival of November.  While we didn’t exactly clean up, we all caught some fish.  None were brown trout however.  I’m guessing the browns have all headed up the big river to spawn.  We caught all chunky little beautiful brook trout decked out in their fall suits.


The brookies were hovering close to shore and over the weed beds.  All you needed to be was knee deep in your waders.  I fished a floating line with two flies.  I had a cool little secret fly Dede gave me on the dropper and a brown Bead Head Woolly Bugger on the point.


flyfishingIt was another great fall day on the water despite the cold.  I’m please to be getting out a lot this October and I’m not stopping anytime soon.  Friday I’ll be on the Snake River.  Then over the weekend Granny and I are going to Yellowstone with aim to fish Baetis on Slough Creek.  And next week I’m heading out with the boys on a Northern pike adventure.  I’m slowly pushing the pedal to the metal again and I like it!


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing