

“Colombia’s Pacific Paradise”

Fly Fisherman</strong ></span ></em ></strong >

Fly Fisherman/Destinations Issue – 2024 Jeff delivers his amazing fishing and experiences from off the shores of Colombia and the Darien Gap.


“Five Memorable Catches in Five Continents”

Fishing & Travel</strong ></span ></em ></strong >

July/August/September 2021 – Early 2021 Jeff was asked to highlight his best catches from 5 continents in a feature article for both Fishing & Travel and Voyages de Peche of France. The final product is an article you don’t want to miss! Outstanding stories of each fish
and amazing photos to go with.


“Five Memorable Catches in Five Continents”

Voyages de Peche</strong ></span ></em ></strong >

June/July 2021 – Early 2021 Jeff was asked to highlight his best catches from 5 continents in a feature article for both VDP of France and their English edition, Travel & Fishing. The final product is an article you don’t want to miss! Outstanding stories of each fish and
amazing photos to go with. While this is in French, soon the Travel & Fishing version will be here.


“Up Your Permit Game”

Flyfisher</strong ></span ></em ></strong >

Fall/Winter 2020 Issue – Jeff has been stalking the saltwater flats for over 30 years.  He’s learned a lot from his on the water experiences but also from listening to what other great anglers have to teach.  In this fantastic article Jeff shares what he’s learned from the
best permit anglers in the world!


“The Mammoths of Rio Marie”

The CURRENT</strong ></span ></em ></strong >

January 2020 Issue – In September of 2019 Jeff had the opportunity to fish with his friend Rodrigo Salles of Untamed Angling at their remote peacock bass location, the Marie River.   Hands down the Marie holds the largest peacock bass of the entire Amazon Region and they got
into them big time.  Enjoy the story and photos!


“The Treasures of Kendjam”

Voyages de Peche</strong ></span ></em ></strong >

June/July 2017 – In July of 2016 Jeff got an invite to fish the little known Kendjam of Brazil on the Iriri River with his friends from Untamed Angling. The theme of the trip was to figure out how to catch pacu on dry flies, payara on streamers and learn if the unusual
species of peacock bass there got big. The trip was an amazing success, so much so that Jeff wrote an entertaining article for Voyage de Peche – Enjoy! This article was published in French.


“Captain on the Fly – A Challenge in Gabon”

Voyages de Peche</strong ></span ></em ></strong >

October/November 2016 – Jeff and his friends from Tourette – Fight it in Africa did the first ever fly fishing only trip to Gabon. While most the guys went for tarpon, Jeff chased the elusive Giant African Threadfin. Very few have ever been taken on fly. Jeff landed a 35lber,
and tells the story and technique used! This article was published in French.


“Tactful Self Promotion”

Scientific Anglers Blog</strong ></span ></em ></strong >

July 2016 – We all find it annoying when individuals over promote themselves with Social Media.  Although Jeff needs Self Promotion for his business, learn how he keeps his strategies in line.


“48 Hours in Dubai”

Voyages de Peche</strong ></span ></em ></strong >

October/November 2015 – Like many anglers heading to destinations throughout the Indian Ocean, Jeff has stopped over in Dubai many times. The good news is that he’s found a home away from home fishing with his good friend Nick Bowles, founder of Ocean Active. After reading
this article you too can connect to queenfish, trevally and more during your stopover! This article was published in French.


“Wisdom of the Cast”

Sierra Fisherman Magazine</strong ></span ></em ></strong >

August 2011 – This story from the  interviews Jeff Currier and his exploits surround carp fishing, a fabulous way to spend the day with a fly rod. Instructive with a long section of questions and answers about the “art and lore” of fly fishing, also dispelling some of the
myths surrounding this great sportfish.


“Predator or Prey”

Patagonia Fly Fishing Catalog</strong >

2009 – The Ramganga was the clearest it had been since we arrived. I could see the bottom, six feet down. I stalked cautiously upstream, staying 50 feet from the river’s edge. I was on the hunt for a mahseer. Creeping upstream I saw an enormous gold shape.


“Choosing a Saltwater Fly Fishing Destination”

Jack Dennis Fly Fishing Newsletter</strong >

Choosing a saltwater fly fishing destination can be an overwhelming decision with so many options available. Whether you are new to the salt or a seasoned veteran, destination selection can be arduous. There are many factors that go into an anglers decision. This article will
help you narrow down the possibilities of your first, or next, saltwater destination.


“Holy Huchen”

Drake Magazine 2006 Vol. 8</strong >

A day of fishing in the Slovakian countryside. I’m usually fishing somewhere warm in the spring, maybe stalking the flats for permit or macheteing my way up a jungle river in South America. But in April of 2004, I found myself in the small Eastern European nation of Slovakia.


“The Mysterious Mirror”

American Angler Magazine</strong >

November/December 2003 – The October skies are clear in Southeastern Idaho. Nearly all the leaves have left the aspen trees and only a few glimmers of gold rattle in the fall breeze. Beyond the naked aspens, there’s a clear view of Sawtell Mountain towering over the fabulous
upper reaches of the Henrys Fork.


“Caddis and the Art of Survival”

Patagonia Fly Fishing Catalog</strong >

2001 – For me the backcountry means peace, solitude, relaxation and a chance to unwind. Pleasant company and good weather are plusses, but throw in water and a few rising trout within range of a cozy campsite and you have paradise.


“New Fork River and Brown Trout”

Jack Dennis Fly Fishing Newsletter</strong >

Fly fishing for brown trout, particularly large ones has always been high in priority for most fly fishermen. This is because big browns are difficult to find and anglers often venture great distances, sometimes as far as Chile, Argentina, or New Zealand.


“Flat Creek in Jackson Wyoming”

Jack Dennis Fly Fishing Newsletter</strong >

Only two miles north of Jackson, lying in the heart of the National Elk Refuge, flows Wyoming’s first fly fishing only stream, Flat Creek. It is a place so close to home that after a long day at work I can rush to gather my gear and be on the stream just moments later in
pursuit of wary cutthroat.


“Entering Saltwater Fly Fishing”

Jack Dennis Fly Fishing Newsletter</strong >

It was a snowy day in February 1986, when I shook hands and wished fellow employee Scott Sanchez (Chez) luck on his first saltwater fly fishing adventure. He was bound for Belize. At the time, I, like most fly fisherman, needed to break out the atlas to see where Belize was.
It seemed odd to me that he was spending all that money to go chase saltwater fish.


“Panama – Abundance of Fish”

Jack Dennis Fly Fishing Newsletter</strong >

The word panama means ‘abundance of fish’, but to most of us, Panama is a small country nestled at the bottom of Central America next to Costa Rica. It is home of the Panama Canal, but in recent years more popular for the extraditing of Manuel Noriega.


“Fly Fishing for Vampires in Venezuela”

Jack Dennis Fly Fishing Newsletter</strong >

Fangs seem natural on many creatures. We as humans accept the fact that many animals have them. Man’s best friend has a set, as do cats, bears, coons, snakes and the list goes on. But do fish have fangs? Pike have teeth, and the ocean is full of fish with burly chompers from
barracuda to snapper, but these mouthfuls of teeth really don’t qualify as fangs.