Out of the Cold and Into the Heat

SeychellesIt was a bit brisk this morning in northern Wisconsin.  7° to be exact.  But that’s ok because I’m out a here.  I’m headed to the Seychelles to fish a week at Farquhar followed by a second week at Providence Atoll.  I’ve led a few extended trips to the Seychelles over the years that earned me nine days of fishing but this will be incredible.  We have 14 days.  Fourteen!


I say we because I’m hosting for Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures.  My group consists of most of my regulars.  In fact most of who went to Gabon with me in January are now on this trip.  Then there are a few new folks but several of them are friends as well.  There are only three people I’ve not met but we’ve chatted on the phone and they seem cool and obviously very excited.


I have a lot of flying ahead of me.  I’m presently at the Duluth Airport.  Next its Minneapolis then Amsterdam then Dubai then Mahe where I’ll meet my group and rest up a day.  Then Wednesday we take our charter flight to Alphonse and finally Farquhar.  If all goes well we should all be making our first cast on Wednesday afternoon.


Expect blogs for each day of this incredible adventure, but as always, they are likely to trickle out.  Bad and no internet will be the main reason but I also intend to fish hard which cuts into my writing and photo editing time.  But I promise the tales will come!


Be sure to keep tabs on my IG at @jeffcurrier65


That’s all for now.  Time to board!


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

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