My First Fishing Day of 2024 Comes in GA

flyfishingEarly to bed last night early to rise today.  This morning George stayed back at the cottage and sent us to the shooting range here at the Sea Island Resort (one more of “us” arrived today, Chip Shealy).  I once hunted birds.  I’m talking 30 plus years ago.  Although we had an absolute blast shooting skeet and clay pigeons, my shooting has a lot to be desired these days.  I’ll stick to fishing.


fly-fishingAfter shooting we returned to the cottage to grab George to head for lunch.  George broke some unfortunate news.  He took a fall and hit is head.  He seemed ok but insisted exiting the trip immediately and heading home.  George flew in from Jupiter, FL yesterday but finagling another jet on short notice wasn’t an option.  Instead, John drove him three hours south and a friend of George’s from Jupiter drove north three hours and met with John to take George the rest of the way home.


flyfishingGeorge leaving obviously bummed us all out.  We felt he was ok though because as he left with John he demanded we get a good lunch then head out on our afternoon fishing excursion.  It always seems weird leaving a friend behind but George truly is that guy.  He’d be much unhappier if we didn’t keep enjoying ourselves.  Our fishing guide was Capt. Kyle Meyer.  Though Kyle has the fly fishing knowledge, today was on a larger boat booked for six anglers and the boat was fully armed with spin rods per bobbers and a live well of swimming shrimp.  Chip and I brought our fly rods anyhow, but man, you should have seen the look on Kyles face.  He made a comment that made me turn and smile.  He’d obviously taken a few terrible casters before.


redfishWe relieved Kyles uneasiness when we hit the first stop.  Not only did Chip land a spotted seatrout on his first cast, but both Chip and I made a heap of casts without hooking each other or any of the dangling rods hung all over the boat.  While Chip and I caught the occasional seatrout on flies, Larry and Adam had Kyle working the net with the live shrimp nearly every cast.


redfishKyle spent most of the afternoon unhooking fish and rebaiting the shrimp for Larry and Adam.  At our first stop the guys landed about ten fish.  One was this perfect specimen redfish.


black-drumWe fished several different locations throughout the afternoon.  Kyle did an excellent job and was soon supporting our fly fishing.  He had a few fly recommendations for us with hopes Chip and I could stick a redfish but our flies were no competition for the live bait.  Adam was absolutely on fire and kept the fish coming.  He caught two redfish, a southern flounder and this vibrantly colored black drum.


southern-flounderKyle kept us out till days end.  The weather deteriorated as it got later and tonight’s forecast is for rain.  We assured Kyle the rain wouldn’t stop us for another outing tomorrow.  Kyle said good and best of all, Kyle says we may head out to a wreck where anything can happen.  Perhaps I can add a new species to my list.  I’m thinking a southern flounder like the one Adam caught today would be nice.


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

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