Memories from Sudan, Dubai and Oman – 2015

blog-May-3-2015-1-camel-crossing-in-omanI have to slap myself to believe I’ve been saltwater fly fishing for five straight weeks out of Dubai, Sudan and Oman.  This has been no less than insane.  No doubt there were ups and downs and fishing overall was tough.  But saltwater fly fishing is always tough especially when you go this far from home.


blog-May-3-2015-2-largespot-pompanoA very sincere thanks to Tourette – Fight it in Africa for bringing me back to Sudan, Nick Bowles and Ocean Active for providing all the great fishing in Dubai and giving Granny and I the opportunity to fish Musandam, Oman and to our new friends Ray and Kerry Montoya who not only gave us great advice on self-travel in Oman but also loaned us all the camping gear to do it.


blog-May-3-2015-3-winston-simms-scientific-anglersLast but not least, one can’t fish the ocean for five weeks without the best gear in the world.  Thanks very much R.L. Winston, Simms Fishing Products, Scientific Anglers, Abel and Ross Reels!


Here are a few more photos from the trip

blog-May-3-2015-4-talang-queenfishGranny with a nice talang queenfish from Dubai

blog-May-3-2015-5-crab-fly-patternCrab fly pattern for largespot pompano

blog-May-3-2015-6-bluefin-trevallyBluefin trevally

blog-May-3-2015-7-osprey-in-omanOsprey living in Strait of Hormuz

blog-May-3-2015-8-queenfishingJumping queenfish!

blog-May-3-2015-9-musandam-roadsA remote road in Musandam, Oman

blog-May-3-2015-10-ocean-activeNick Bowles of Ocean Active still battling his queenfish

blog-May-3-2015-11-jeff-currier-blogHundreds of hours and many late nights to keep up with this blog!

blog-May-3-2015-12-parrotfishParrotfish on the fly

blog-May-3-2015-13-camping-in-omanGranny sleeping in missing the morning beach walk for permit

blog-May-3-2015-14-golden-trevallyGolden trevally – one of eleven new species caught this trip

blog-May-3-2015-15-jeff-and-granny-currierPartying down in Dubai last night

blog-May-3-2015-16-dubai-fountainsDubai Fountains

Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

6 thoughts on “Memories from Sudan, Dubai and Oman – 2015”

  1. Hi Jeff:
    I really enjoyed your reports from the Middle East. Sounds like quite an adventure!
    When are you coming to Michigan, and where will you be fishing?
    Safe travels back to Idaho.

  2. Glad you guys enjoyed it! Fisher, I get to MI June 12 but I’m a guest of the SA factory and doing some smallie filming for their web. Not sure where we are fishing

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