I’ve been running wild since returning from Africa. I’ve been drawing on Cliff Boxes for folks for Christmas gifts, shipping coffee mugs and getting ready for a very intense speaking tour for 2016. To really put the pressure on myself, a couple months ago I accepted my annual gig to speak up at Madison Gallatin Trout Unlimited in Bozeman, Montana which I did last night.
The reason I accepted the gig is because I love seeing the folks in Bozeman and as always it went very well and I had a blast. I presented a brand new show that I’ll also be taking on the road with me this winter called “Tricks and Tactics for Fly Fishing the World’s Best Flats”. I’m always excited when I get to present a new show and even more so that the new program was a hit.
I drove to Bozeman. After flying for 40 hours last week, the freedom you feel driving your own car is incredible. I had the radio blasting and took in the winter scenery along the Henry’s Fork and Madison much of the way. But coming home today in a snowstorm on icy roads – not so nice. I decided to take the back way along the Gallatin River through the outer part of Yellowstone National Park in hopes to see some wildlife and to peek at Hebgin and Quake Lake. Instead it was a white knuckler that took almost six hours! Nonetheless I made it and did get a look at a cold frozen Quake Lake and even stopped for a visit with my friend Kelly Galloup at the Slide in.
That’s life in the fast lane. Next on the fishing agenda – Baja with Sammy Vigneri on Saturday!