Laguna Beach Perchin

I don’t care what they say about the traffic around here, Southern California is awfully nice in February. Granny and I know exactly what the weather is in Victor, Idaho at the moment – cold and snowy! Yet today we awoke in paradise. We stayed with Karl and Tina Weber and their house is literally right on the ocean in Laguna Beach. You can actually hear the surf breaking even with the windows of your room closed!

We got up around 7 and drank coffee and then Tina made us a nice pancake breakfast. All the time we watched birds and dolphin terrorize bait about ¼ mile off shore. The second I finished my last bite I grabbed my stuff and headed to the beach to try and catch a few more barred surf perch like I did last night.

I was using my 8-weight set up from last night and tied on an orangey colored shrimp pattern Granny tied up years ago for a Christmas Island trip. Word is that the perch chow on sand crabs and anything orange will entice them. Sure enough, I was into my first perch in minutes.

When I started the tide was low and the surf was gentle. I could wade in the chilly water with ease and make long casts. Long isn’t always key however, I went on to catch 5 perch and they were very close to me. They were literally right where the drop off was where the waves break. As the tide rose, the wave size increased dramatically and my perch fishing dropped off.

Granny and I relaxed with Tina and Karl till about noon then we headed north. We drove to Santa Barbara where we are for the night. I’ve spoke to the fly fishing club here a few years back and remember walking the docks and seeing some fish around. Naturally, I’ve kept that in the back of my mind and tomorrow I’ll be out early to take a crack at them. Now its time to take my Granny out for some seafood.

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