First was a long foggy five hour drive from Victor, Idaho to Salt Lake City, Utah with an overnight at a hotel. Then yesterday morning we flew from SLC to Atlanta. From Atlantawe flew all night to Brasilia, Brazil. We had a short layover this morning then flew three hours to Manaus, Brazil where we are relaxing for the afternoon at the Tropical Hotel located on the banks of the Rio Negro.
I’m hosting a great group of seven fly fishers. Most of these guys are my good friends starting with Mike Dawes, owner of World Cast Anglers, Tim Brune, Mark Kuhn (Milkfish), Brent Dawson (Warpath), Nick Ozimek (Coz), Steve Eaton and Steve Fitzsimons. We’re not there yet however. Early tomorrow morning we catch a float plane that takes us approximately two hours north to the Jufari River camp. The place is absolutely as remote as you can get and the fishing should be spectacular.
I’m signing off now for a week because I’ll have no access to the world – exactly what I need after that vigorous January. However, my cameras and computer is with me and I’ll be writing about my daily experiences. Once out of the Amazon the day by day reports will begin to post on the blog.
If you’re not familiar with fly fishing in the Amazon than tune into some of my past blog posts from down here. I had the trip of my life in March of 2010, and although the water was high, fishing in 2011 was memorable as well. Time to loosen the shoulder!
On Tuesday a report from our group could post through River Plate.
You will have to let us know how the infamous WAR PATH flies do!