Jeff and his wife Granny wanted to make the trip to the Seychelles located in the heart of the Indian Ocean for twenty years. Jeff wanted to pursue milkfish and some of the amazing looking triggerfish and parrotfish that cruise the island nation’s flats. But the Seychelles were too expensive. So in 2011, when the Currier’s couldn’t take it anymore, they winged an unguided budget trip to Madagascar which is less than 1200 miles south of the Seychelles. While this was a fun and inexpensive trip to the Indian Ocean with some nice fishing, it wasn’t the Seychelles.
Well, to say Jeff has been lucky is an understatement. In 2014 Jeff took another step towards the Indian Ocean when his friends from African Waters invited him on a flats fishing exploratory to the Red Sea of Sudan. The fishing was superb and he would later head back again in 2015.
Then in December of 2014, with three days’ notice, Jeff filled in as an emergency host for Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures to Farquhar Atoll in the Seychelles. The Seychelles were well worth the wait as you can read here on his detailed blog!
The Indian Ocean ball hasn’t stopped rolling since that first trip to Madagascar and Jeff has now fished the Seychelles many times including multiple trips to the atolls of Farquhar, Astove, Cosmoledo and Providence. Jeff has also made multiple trips to Mauritius (St. Brandon’s Atoll), Oman, Sudan and United Arab Emirates and a run along the Garden Highway of South Africa.
In Jeff’s humble opinion, the Indian Ocean offers some of the finest saltwater fly fishing in the world!
- Pickhandle
- Yellowtail (Sphyraena flavicauda)
Bluefish (Elf or Shad) (Pomatomus saltatrix)
- Blacktail (Diplodus sargus koschyi)
- Picnic Sea-bream (Acanthopargus berda)
- Sobaity (Sparidentex hasta)
- Yellowfin (Acanthopargus arabicus)
Dusky Kob (Argyrosomus japonicas)
Emperor Fish,
- Bigeye (Monotaxis grandoculis)
- Black Spotted
- Spangled
- Spotcheek (Lethrinus rubrioperculatus)
- Sweetlip
- Yellow Lip (Lethrinus xanthochilus)
Flathead, Bartail (Platycephalus indicus)
- African Marbled, brown
- African Marbled, blue
- Blacktipped (redbanded or redbarred rockcod)
- Blue Spotted (Peacock)
- Chocolate hind
- Coral Trout (Leopard grouper)
- Halfspotted (Cephalopholis hemistikos)
- Honeycomb
- Malabar
- Potato (Epinephelis tukula)
- Redmouth
- Saddleback
- White-blotched
- Yellow-edged Lyretail
- Javelin (Pomadasys Kaakan)
- Lined (Pomadasys punctulatus)
- Stocky (Cirrhitus pinnulatus)
- Dorab Wolf-Herring (Chirocentrus dorab)
- Green
- Small Toothed (Aphareus furca)
Leatherjacket, Longjaw (Oligoplites altus)
Leerfish (Garrick) (Lichia amia)
- Black blotch (Variegatus jaculum)
- Sand (Synodus dermatogenys)
- Narrow-barred Spanish
Milkfish (Chanos chanos)
- Evenfin Pursemouth (Gerres methueni)
- Bluespot (Crenimugil seheli)
- South Africa mullet (Liza richardsonii)
- Green Humphead (Bump head) (bumpy) (Bolbometapon muricatum)
- Persian (Scarus persicus)
- Africanus (Trachinotus africanus)
- Indo-Pacific or Yellow (Trachinotus blochii)
- Largespot (Five Spot or Wave Garrick)
- Small Spotted Dart (Three spot) (Trachinotus baillonii)
- Talang
- Two Spot
- Needlescale
Rainbow Runner
Silver Moony
- Black Spot (Dory) (Lutjanus fulviflamma)
- Bluestripe (Lutjanus kasmira)
- Humpback Red Snapper (Lutjanus gibbus)
- Mangrove Jack (Lutjanus argentimaculatus)
- Two-spot red (bohar)
- Circular (Batfish) (Platax orbicularis)
- Sohal (Red Sea Surgeonfish)
Thornfish (Terapon jarbua)
- Bigeye
- Blacktip (Caranx heberi)
- Bluefin
- Brassy or Green Spot (Caranx papuensis)
- Giant
- Island or yellow dot (Carangoides orthogrammus)
- Orange spotted
- Golden (Gnathanadon speciosus)
- Black or Durgon (Melichthys niger)
- Giant (Titan or Mustache)
- Indian (Melichthys indicus)
- Masked (Sufflamen fraenatum)
- Picasso or Lagoon (Rhinecanthas aculeatus)
- Yellowmargin
- Dogtooth
- Frigate
- Skipjack
White Steenbras (Lithognathus lithognathus)
- Floral (Cheilinus chlorourus)
- Red Sea
- Rock-mover (Novaculichthys taeniourus)