Fly Fishing Farquhar Atoll in the Seychelles

SeychellesIf there’s a time when a Yellow Dog Flyfishing host can relax when leading a trip, it’s when all the guests are at the location.  That’s where I find myself tonight.  All nine of my guests are settled in their cabins, rods are set up, guides are assigned for tomorrow and we just finished a fine dinner prepared by the Farquhar chef.  And I do mean fine.


flyfishing-FarquharIts been pretty easy going even before I got my dudes to Farquhar Atoll here in the Seychelles.  My nine guys are fantastic – mostly friends in fact..  They’re all here to catch fish of course, but most of all to have good time.  No one here gets to worked up if there’s a wrinkle in the day.  Delays and bad weather can’t be controlled.  And some days you don’t fish as well as perhaps you should have.  These uncontrollable hurdles simply roll off and we regroup and do the best we can next chance.  My group isn’t made up only of experienced anglers, they are experienced travelers.


SeychellesOur day unfolded with an early morning breakfast at the Eden Bleu in Mahe.  I was sipping coffee and working on the blog at 4:15 AM.  After breakfast we packed into two cars with all our luggage and made it to the IDC airport and caught a 9 AM charter for Alphonse Atoll.  I should mention, there was a guest going to Alphonse and it turns out it was an old friend from Brazil I met way back in 2014 on Kendjam.  Small world!


flyfishingAfter we unloaded my Brazilian friend and refueled our plane on Alphonse, we flew south east another 50 minutes and arrived at Farquhar Atoll.  Farquhar is the first atoll in the Seychelles I had the privilege of visiting.  I hosted here in 2014 with less than a weeks’ notice filling in for another Yellow Dog host that had a family emergency and couldn’t go.  I loved the fishing so much that once home I put together another Farquhar trip for 2016.  That second trip was great also and got the ball rolling and soon I’d hosted on Providence, Cosmoledo and Astove.


Michael-Williams-fly-fishingThere’s not much more to mention.  We did fish late this afternoon on foot around the lodge.  Other than setting up gear, today is guides day off so no trips in the boat.  No guiding.  It’s a tradition to let us clients go out and fumble around and kill off a little more jetlag.  We did exactly that and a few little bluefin trevally were caught.  Tomorrow this long awaited trip begins.  Goodnight!


Be sure to keep tabs on my IG at @jeffcurrier65


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

2 thoughts on “Fly Fishing Farquhar Atoll in the Seychelles”

  1. Nice to meet you at the Denver show Jeff. I’m jealous! I was there in December and could have stayed a month. I’m sipping coffee out of one of your rainbow trout mugs I bought in Denver. Cheers to you and the guys and best wishes for a great week!

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