Destined for the Indian Ocean!

Photo by Yellow Dog Flyfishing

In my last post I mentioned to stay tuned for the biggest adventure of the year, well tomorrow night I should be on the way to the Seychelles to host back to back Yellow Dog Flyfishing trips followed by some vacation time in Dubai and Oman with my friend Nick Bowles of Ocean Active.  It’s been hell getting to this point with the crazy year of house selling, numerous travels all while dealing with constant Covid regulations, but the day has come.


flyfishing-travelThe adventure takes me from Boston to Paris tomorrow eve where I have a brutal 12 hour layover.  But by the time everyone is deep in their turkey I should be airborne for Mahe, Seychelles where I’ll arrive Friday morning.  I’ll have a nice relaxing weekend while five of my guests fly in.  Then Monday morning the six of us fly a charter to the famous, Astove Atoll, where many consider the best saltwater fly fishing on the planet exists.


photo by Yellow Dog Flyfishing

We only have two guided fishing days on Astove.  But that’s ok.  On Dec 2 five more of my guests meet us on Astove and then we take a two hour boat ride to another famous fishing atoll, Cosmoledo.  We have a full week on Cosmo and we’ve been looking forward to this trip for more than two years!


I don’t want to think about these two trips ending but on December 9 we return to Mahe.  While most my folks head home I’m heading for Dubai to meet up with my friend Nick Bowles.  I’m not sure the plan from there but Nick always has a trick up his sleeve.  I suspect were heading down to Salalah to play with the amazing Africanus permit.  I’ll return to the US on December 16 then onward to Jackson Hole to pick up my Granny and drive her and her car back to NH for Christmas.


I will have very little internet after this weekend but as usual, I’ll be writing and posting my day by day accounts as I can.


fish-decalsIn the meantime, let me remind you that I sell “Christmas Gifts for the angler that has everything” that you can purchase from my Online Store.

My famous fish coffee mugs

My high quality frosted beer steins


Men’s and women’s 100% polyester Solar Shirts that provide 50+ UPF sun protection

Solar Hoodies

Bigger and more durable than ever – my fish art decals!

Be sure to keep track of my upcoming travels around the world!

Follow me on Instagram – jeffcurrier65

Follow me on Facebook – Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

5 thoughts on “Destined for the Indian Ocean!”

  1. We should be ok Lance. Cyclone (Syclone) Sammy isn’t on this one. He will be on the Providence reschedule for April though. You should be going with us!

  2. Yes I should … just didn’t fit this time.. you have any plans to tackle Cameroon or Gabon again? I’m looking for an adventure trip for new species (for me anyways) or India maybe.

  3. Safe travels, and really excited to hear how Astove treats you all! Really cannot wait for that boat ride to Cosmo!!! At least I have a day fishing in Dubai to look forward to first.

  4. Looking forward to seeing you and the rest arrive in Astove for our boat ride. And good luck with the Queenfish! See you soon

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