While most middle age men are experiencing “Midlife Crisis”, Jeff seems to have died and gone to heaven. In 2009 Jeff quit his day job of nearly 25 years running a fly shop amidst difficult financial times . Why? It was to follow his dreams. Jeff wanted to focus on his art, travel the country to teach and entertain about fly fishing, do more writing and best of all not have to ask permission every time he had an opportunity to go on a fishing trip.
His friends and family told him he was crazy, but his wife Granny supported the move. Well, let’s just say Jeff hasn’t learned the discipline of self employment yet. He simply works just enough to afford the bills and more importantly, the plane tickets he needs to fish the world. Jeff has now fished in 62 countries and taken over 400 species on a fly! Put your seatbelt on and travel with Jeff to the most remote corners of the globe for the most amazing fish species ever pursued with a fly!