Smallmouth Bass Need Diets Too!

Smallmouth Bass Need Diets Too!

Labor Day weekend always triggers a little stress in my life.  First and foremost, my summer fishing feels like its going away.  Its really not.  The best is yet to come with fall.  But it’s a natural instinct I can’t control.  Then there’s the approaching show...
The Surgery Went Well

The Surgery Went Well

Mom’s surgery went well and I’m happy to say I returned home from New Hampshire this weekend.  Mom is 82 and needed her carotid artery cleaned out.  Too many whoopie pies I’m afraid!  Having such a surgery at 80+ is risky.  Lucky for us, mom is a healthy active 82...
Miraculous Execution of a New Fly Fishing Trick

Miraculous Execution of a New Fly Fishing Trick

I was wading a flat at Cosmoledo Atoll in the Seychelles during November 2021 and found myself fighting a large bonefish.  As the bone tired and I had him near, not one, but two Indo-Pacific permit showed up attempting to steal my fly right from the bonefishes mouth. ...
Plunging Back into the Wisconsin Fishing

Plunging Back into the Wisconsin Fishing

Indeed it was an outstanding trip to the flats of Texas.  But I love it all.  I could not wait to get back on the Wisconsin smallies and I didn’t delay.  After a couple days catching up on things, Granny and I headed out on a three day two night float trip with Bob...