Fly Fishing for Tigerfish
November 2–9 & November 9–16, 2013
Jeff will be hosting two trips to Africa this fall to fly fish for tigerfish. The dates are November 2-9 (FULL) & 9-16 (Inquire). This trip will be with his good friends in Tanzania of Tourette – Fight it in Africa. Your booking will be arranged by Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures and you can contact Jeff or Yellow Dog for details about the trip.
This incredible hosted trip will likely be a one time offer. Disputes over permit fees, land access and etc made securing spots for 2013 tremendously difficult. It’s possible that access to this mind-boggling fishery could completely disappear in the near future. It would be sin to let this get away if you love exotic fly fishing or dream of catching a truly large tigerfish!
After tigerfishing extensively throughout Africa, the tigerfishing in Tanzania is the best I’ve ever experienced. This specie of tigerfish (Hydrocynus Tanzaniae) is particularly large. Ten pounders are common and tigers up to TWENTY POUNDS are caught often! Best of all they are abundant here and attack flies with vengeance.
Many of you remember Confluence Films last movie Connect where Jeff was the lucky guy landing numerous tigerfish and in the end caught a true monster. This is the place! To see and hear more check out Jeff’s blog of late October and early November 2010.